The above photos are from Jack's Place and Chili's where we had Cpl Malta's going away dinner.
1. Kimchi is awesome.
2. I think I will eat pretty much anything that is cooked or in some cases not cooked by a Japanese person.
3. They don't import U.S. pennies here and I wonder everyday how much money I lose with each purchase.
4. I hate doing dishes, but I think my own cooking is amazing.
5. I am bad at remembering my camera, but I always see the picture I should be taking.
6. I hate how I meet cool people and then they leave.
7. I am the most prepared person ever when I get locked out of my room. (Will explain shortly).
8. I wish U.S. culture was more like it is here. The people are so nice and humble.
9. The yen rate needs to be at least 1:1.
10. Sushi hear kicks sushi in the U.S. butt.
11. It is hard to grocery shop and buy meat and bread for one person.
Okay, so yesterday at around 5 pm I grabbed my bag of Uncle Ben microwave in 90 seconds rice and walked to my microwave to cook it. All was good until I heard the click. BAM! Just like that I was locked out of my room. See, last week sometime they decided to put automatic locking door locks on our room and common area doors. So, if you even go to the bathroom you have to remember your key.
So anyways, back to the story. I was locked out, but you know I could survive for a little while because I had my bag of Uncle Ben rice and conveniently enough a fork that I had washed and left to dry by the sink. Also, I had my wallet. I was wearing my baggy black sweatpants and my black blood giving t-shirt without shoes. So needless to say I was in no way ready to go out in town until my roommate got back and could unlock my door.
So I sat patiently in my common area for like an hour doing nothing but eating my rice. Then Carberry came and I told him I was locked out of my room, but then I remembered I had been doing laundry and the dryer didn't drive my civilian load the first time so I had switched the dryers and then forgot about them. So in this load of laundry I had blue jeans, t-shirts, socks, undies and a bath towel.
So I took a shower and got dressed with my nicely washed clothes all folded neatly in my common area. I had everything I needed but a pair of shoes, my phone and of course my room key. Well I knew the phone and keys were a lost cause, however, I the shoe problem could easily be fixed. So I went and got a pair of flip flops from S20 that was way too small, went and got Carberry and we trucked it over to the BX.
Once we got there, I was on a mission. I was getting me a new pair of tennis shoes. Then I saw them. It was as if there was only one pair of shoes in the store. I had to get them...these plaid Nike's are (insert you're awesome, epic, astounding word here).
Thus is the tale of how I am the most prepared and resourceful person to get locked out of my room for 6.5 hours.

Also, this morning I was super-not-lazy. I went to the commisary got groceries and cooked an amazing bacon-egg-cheese on hamburger bun. So I felt obliged to include a photo.