S20, Carberry and I all had our pics made at the beach before Schwab Fest. You can tell that it was rainy. Thats because it was Saturday. Haha.
Me driving to Schwab Fest.
I went to Schwab Fest since I last updated. They had some belly dancers perform, as well as a local band "Kentucky Rain" followed by the main event, LIT. Kentucky Rain rocks. LIT was just eehhh. I met some really cool people there, however, I never got their name. It really is a shame I know. However, I got to hang out with another Stokesian, Taylor Hall. Needless to say we had a good time.
Belly Dancers
Random guys I met.
Me, Chelsea (s20), Taylor and Random guy.
Random drunk guy dressed as Tigger.
Guitarist from Kentucky Rain. Also plays at a local bar (Al's Place) on Gate 2 Street.
Like I said early I had range week. I finished qualifying this past Friday. I shot a low expert. It wasn't what I wanted, but Schwab is the worst range in the Marine Corps so I guess I will take what I can get.
This past Saturday a couple people I work with and I went to our intern's high school graduation. It was pretty much like a graduation in the states, but somehow they make it last longer. I was glad I had the opportunity to support her nonetheless.
From left to right: LCpl Alisa Helin, Amanda the Intern, Air Force SSgt Rachael Garneau, Me
Helin was dressed like someone else at the graduation so we had to get a pic.
Also, here are a few pics from my favorite place...American Pizza Man. Great food and great zombie juice.
A few of us chillin with zombie juice at American Pizza Man.
The soap at American Pizza Man always makes me laugh.
Finally, great news. I am coming home July 6th. So I hope to see you all then.

Dorm 176 a.k.a. home.
Typical "Honcho" or cab.
Reporting from AFN Okinawa, I'm LCpl Meredith Watts.