I haven't had time to write on the weekend because I haven't been in my room except to watch college football from 0100 to around 1200 hours on Sunday mornings. That's right, we watch the games live. Right now, as I type, there are some really good games on. Florida/Alabama, Stanford/Oregon and Penn St/Iowa...and yes it is only 0921.
Anyways, I have been snorkeling at Maeda Point and Tokashiki Island, as well as camping at Okuma.
Maeda Point is absolutely breathtaking under the water. There is an unbelievable amount of coral down there. The water is really shallow, so you run a risk of getting cut. I have gloves and booties so I am good to go. Here are a few photos that I took with my friend’s underwater camera at Maeda.
Okuma is also gorgeous. A few people from work got together and camped out for the night up on the ridge. Okuma has a lot to offer people that come to visit. They have jet skis, wakeboarding, kayaking, a beautiful beach, snorkeling and more. So if you are around this area I highly recommend you check it out. Here are a few pictures that I took of friends while we were up there.

Finally, the visit to Tokashiki Island…it was absolutely gorgeous. We started out with a 70 minute ferry ride out of Tomari Wharf. The boat ride was peaceful. The we arrive at an island that you only believe can exist on a 72 inch lcd hdtv with 3-D goggles. It really is breathtaking. I bought a disposable underwater camera for the trip so I am waiting to get that developed before those photos can be posted. Nonetheless, here are a few photos friends took with their I-phones.

Other than my weekend adventures, I have just stayed busy with work. As of tomorrow, I will be the NCOIC (non-commissioned officer in charge) of the News department at AFN. So that means added responsibilities, but nothing I can’t handle. I am starting a “Day in the life of…” series. I hope that it works out like I envision. The first of the series will be completed tomorrow and go on air Tuesday night.
We are looking into a way to post the newscasts from work so that viewers can download them. If anyone knows of a site that we can upload videos to and have viewers download for free that is accessible through the NIPR network please let me know.
I have some pretty funny random thoughts, but I can never remember them when I come to write. So I think I am going to open up a word document and keep a compiled list there. So stay tuned for that.
Hope everyone is well. Keep the family of LCpl Ralph Fabbri in your prayers. He was a combat cameraman killed in Afghanistan.
Until next time, stay classy blog readers.
Marine Corporal Meredith Brown, Kadena Air Base, Okinawa.
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