Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas in Afghanstan

The MRAP they decorated with Christmas lights... and yes, Santa jumped out of the gunner's turret.

My flannel sheets that I got from my secret Santa!

Me and the decorated MRAP!

Happy Holidays All!

This is the third out of the last four Christmas' that I have not spent in North Carolina with family and friends... and let me tell you it still sucks.

However, out of the three I would say this has been the most memorable one. Lets recap.

Missed Christmas 1:

Watched some lame movie while I was in boot camp at Parris Island. Drill Instructors screamed. Ate 1 oreo cookie as my "present from Santa."

This was of course after I had the 2300-0100 watch on Christmas Eve and was forced by my drill instructors to "go watch for Santa" all around 4th Battalion.

Missed Christmas 2:

I was in Okinawa, Japan with the Hubby. However, we woke up Christmas morning... it was like 55 degrees and had no gifts to open, nor did we have a single Christmas decoration up.

Don't get me wrong, it was absolutely amazing having him there with me and I wouldn't have traded that opportunity for the world... but as they say "misery loves company," which brings me to Christmas in Afghanistan.

Missed Christmas 3:

All the co-workers in my office and I gathered in an entirely way to small room on Christmas Eve and exchanged secret Santa gifts. I got flannel sheets from my secret Santa which was AWESOME, seeing as it has get gotten freezing cold here at night.

Christmas Day I slept until nearly 1500 because I had stayed up til 0330 to talk to the Mounce family. Then I came into work and we all went to chow together. The guys in the chow hall did their best to make it like a real American Christmas dinner, but it was far from the families cooking. However, I applaud their attempt.

Then I stayed after everyone had left and watched "It's a Wonderful Life" for the first time with a co-worker. Needless to say, that was a great experience and the movie really brings you back to Earth.

I once again stayed up until ridiculous hours talking to family and friends. I got home at 0300 and overslept and had to knock on my boss lady's door to use my half-day off I had earned from working previous days.

And that brings me to the current times. After a full day at work I am staying up to watch UNC whoop Mizzou in the Independence Bowl.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year from Afghanistan.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pacific to Atlantic

Mom and I in downtown Wilmington before heading to see the Battleship USS North Carolina.

Gil and I posing on the battleship.

Would you like a large, medium or small Marine? At "Senior Prom" at a nursing and rehabilitation center in Jacksonville, N.C.

I cook farely often for Gil... this is my taco ring of glory.

Gil and I before he had one of his tests run.

Mom and I. She had shoulder surgery and I had the skin melted off of the palm of my hand while running the obstacle course in the N.C. sun.

Gil and I walking back after hitching a ride to McDonalds while camping on Carolina Beach. We didn't exactly plan for breakfast the following morning.

It has certainly been a while since my last post, but with good reason.

I have moved from Okinawa to North Carolina and I am station in Jacksonville now doing public affairs instead of television and radio. The change was hard at first, but I got back into the swing of things to say the least. I have learned that if you continue to screw up stories and photos, you will EVENTUALLY get them right.

It is crazy finally getting my own apartment and shiz set up. But, as fate would have it, right when Gil is ready to move down here and we finally have everything in place, I am going to have to leave my humble abode to deploy. For operational security reasons, I will not post where/when I am headed, but if you want to know just ask me or my parents. No worries though folks, the blog will pick back up when I am deployed.

So Gil should be moving down here next week (hopefully) and we will actually get to live together for like a whole MONTH! Exciting I know. I figure after 30 days with me he will be ready for me to leave again anyways. Haha.

I'm sure you want to know what we've been doing and things of that nature, but honestly I can't remember. Everything is such a blur. One thing I do know is that starting an apartment and/or house is freaking expensive, but it is definitely worth it in the end.

Also, we made our first big purchase together and bought a charcoal 2011 GMC Terrain. It about made both of us sick to spend that much money, but I think we are definitely enjoying the car....maybe a little too much. 6,000 miles in just 2 months!

Mom had her shoulder surgery. The recovery process has been difficult for her, so prayers are appreciated. Gil has his gall bladder removed July 22, prayers are appreciated there too.

I have the rifle range next week. I am super stoked to get to shoot with the aycog (I don't actually know if that is how you spell that or not). It should make my third time qualifying expert as easier than the first two ;).

Anyways, aside from travelling across the state, meeting new friends, checking out Wilmington and well starting our lives together things have been rather boring, but that's just the way I like it.

Speaking of milestones, we recently celebrated our one year anniversary on July 10th. Awesome, I know.

Well I think I am starting to ramble and don't really know what I am going to talk about right now. So I will leave you with this: click on the newspaper looking thing in the top right corner and you can check out all the happenings at MCAS New River and read my awesome stories.

Hope everyone is well. My humour and wit will return along with my TMO shipment from Okinawa. I think it's "somewhere in the Pacific."

Take care and I love you all.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Good things come in 3's...

Okay, so it's been a while like normal since I last posted on here. Honestly, I usually just forget, or when I actually think of something blog worthy I am at work and can't do a whole lot about it because of the government Internet. So, nonetheless, here I am today to tell you about the good things that come in threes...(although they can turn bad).


Now this is not the one that turned bad. (Not what most you ladies were thinking I'm sure, but I'm not lying...he is good...98% of the time).

As most of you know, Gil got to come and visit Okinawa. We had a wonderful time. Thanks to outside funding, love, and a donation of a family member (Connie let me have Gil) we got to spend our first Christmas together. I'm not going to say it was a fairytale Christmas, but it suited us just fine. Santa Claus didn't visit that I guess the rumors are true, you do have to have a tree to get Santa to come. However, we did order our dishes and silverware that day, so I guess Santa came in anther way. Speaking of dishes, I showed them to a co-worker and she asked if I was Mexican because they are so colorful. What can I say, I think they're nice.

If you want to see more pictures than the couple I post here visit my facebook page.

2. Fish-

After Gil left Okinawa I was kinda depressed as any loving wife would be. So someone decided it was good to leave me and S20 unsupervised and I came home with seven children. That's I had 3 "fancy goldfish" 2 "feeder goldfish" and 2 "algae eaters." Ten days later I have 1 "algae eater." This is the good thing gone bad.

Now, I'm not saying that my seven fish replace Gil. They don't talk or interact with me, however, they do at least keep me company so I enjoyed them. Until they started dying. First went Toby, then Confetti, then Donna, then Things 1 & 2 and finally Algae 1. So it's just me and Algae 2 at the moment holding down the fort, I hope he lives til I get orders.

Anyways, the fish were a fun adventure that I will probably never do again.

3. Yoga-

Now I know what all of you are thinking...YOGA?!?! Meredith?!?! Yoga!!!

Yes, it is true, I went to my first yoga class tonight. Talk about an experience. I have never felt so inadequately good in my life. First of all this like grey haired 65 year old lady (no offense to anyone reading this blog who fits that description) could do everything...that's the inadequate part. So, I was in the back corner about to pass out because apparently I can't stay balanced and breathe at the same time. My shoulders are sore, but I do feel stretched out which is what I was shooting that's the good part. So I'm going to try to do another class this week at the gym if they have it. If not, I will definitely be returning next Tuesday.

If you can get past all the hippie mombo jumbo it is one heck of a stretching workout. So to yoga, I salute thee.

Other than these adventures, there isn't much to report about. I am still waiting for orders. There has been a PCS (when I change stations) freeze due to lack of funding for the military, so until some bill is passed in Congress I am awaiting orders. Word is I will be going to MCAS New River, NC. But, don't hold me to it because nothing is certain in the Marine Corps except that it is uncertain and you will always hurry up to wait.

Lastly, I would like to put a plug in for the Barnes and Noble Nook. It is awesome if you enjoy reading I highly recommend it.

Hope everyone is well. I look forward to catching up and visiting with family and friends as soon as I get back.

Love you all.